Athletic Bra
Sports Bra
Did you know that for ladies, after your shoes, your sports bra is your second most important piece of running/athletic gear? No matter what size or shape, age, or even ability level. To know that incredible feeling of being supported and confident. Not just on the playing field, but in life. A proper fit can mean the difference between comfortable runs and miserable miles. Our team members are here to help so the sports bra process is as comfortable as your final fit.
8 out of 10 women are wearing the wrong size bra. The average life of a sports bra is 6-12 months. Bras that are dried in the dryer last even less time! Not all sports bras are created equal. A sports bra is essential equipment. Find the one that is right for you.
Weevil Run will offer sports bras of all levels. Low impact for yoga, Pilates, paddling, and climbing. Medium impact for walking, road biking, and skiing. High impact for running, boot camp, and mountain biking. Not sure which size is right? Our bra fit process will help you determine which bra is right for you.
A comfortable, supportive, non-annoying bra? It shouldn’t be revolutionary … but it is.
Are you wearing the right size Sports Bra?
- 80% of women wear the wrong bra size
- Women should be fit for a bra at least once a year
- The average life span of a sports bra is 6-12 months
- Not all bras are created equal
- A woman should be re-measured for a sports bra after major weight gain/loss or pregnancy
Our Sports Bra Fitting Process:
Proper fit will provide you with the freedom to move and exercise with comfort and confidence. We start our bra FIT process with questions about your activities and style preferences. Next, we take careful measurements and translate them into the correct size sports bra. Based on size and activity, we will select a few bras for you to try. Throughout the process we will offer tips and advice to help you reach your goals. Here are few things to pay attention to:

Comfort – A good sports bra should feel comfortable, stay in place, and not chafe. The straps should not dig into the shoulders and the band should be comfortably snug to offer support, but not feel restrictive. Do jumping jacks, run in place, and swing your arms side to side to make sure what feels good on is comfortable and supportive when you’re in motion.
Support – If you’re a small or medium breasted woman (A to C cup), a compression bra will offer support and comfort. Or if you prefer, you can choose a bra that offers encapsulation for shaping as well as support. If you’re a larger breasted woman (C to FF cup), encapsulating styles that separate and support your breasts are more comfortable and more supportive than compression bras. For maximum support, choose a sport bra that does both.
Moisture Control and Breathability – A good sports bra will wick sweat away from the skin, dry quickly, be breathable, and allow perspiration and excess heat to pass through. It should also keep you cool and dry when it’s hot, and dry and warm when it’s cold.